Benefits of buying bonds through FortePremier
Comparison table Deposit vs Eurobonds
- CurrencyUSD
- Term13 months
- Rate*1% per annum
- Amountmin. 500 thousand us USD
- Withdrawal of the entire amountupon expiration of the deposit
- Payment of remunerationon a monthly basis
- Feeaccording to fortebank tariffs
USD <TimelineItem value="2 years">Term</TimelineItem>
<TimelineItem value="4% year">Rate*</TimelineItem>
<TimelineItem value="min. 200 thousand us USD">Amount</TimelineItem>
<TimelineItem value="1 time in year">Withdrawal of the entire amount</TimelineItem>
<TimelineItem value="1 time in year">Payment of remuneration</TimelineItem>
<TimelineItem value="according to broker's tariffs">Fee</TimelineItem>
• Placement or sting bonds on the MFCA exchange (AIX); • MFCA law based on English law and international standards; • Tax benefits in the form of tax at the source of the payment of lump sum payments and exemption of income from the increase in value, according to the tariffs of ForteBankForteBank is one of the leading Kazakh banks
It has been successfully operating in the banking services market for more than 20 years, which is confirmed by international ratings::
• Long-term rating on deposits: "Ba2" • Outlook: "Positive"
• Long-Term issuer default rating: "BB" • Short-Term issuer default rating: "B" • National long-term rating: "A(kaz)" • Outlook: "Stable"
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